Use the attachments to record and submit your monthly reflection. You will need 3 images from your placement as evidence for your on-the-job learning during the month. These can be photos of things you have completed, work you have done, or anything else that can be used as evidence in your portfolio. You can take pictures of people, places, or things. If you work in a placement where privacy law prevents you from taking onsite photos, use stock photos (pixabay.com or others) and describe how the photo relates to your placement.
*Use the fillable .pdf for parts 1-3. You may need to use the Google Doc, "Monthly Artifacts" to complete part 4 of the Monthly Reflection.
*Use the fillable .pdf for parts 1-3. You may need to use the Google Doc, "Monthly Artifacts" to complete part 4 of the Monthly Reflection.
Last Modified:
January 9 10:11 AM