Enrollment Procedures
🚨Important Notice
(For all students 9 -12)
Before a student can be enrolled in Alcoa High School, the parent/guardian is asked to provide the following items:
- Proof of residency in the City of Alcoa, such as a city electric bill, copy of a lease, etc., that clearly shows the custodial parent/guardian is a resident of the City of Alcoa OR your tuition acceptance letter if you are a new tuition student
- A copy of the student’s proof of birth/birth certificate (preferred but optional)
- Proof of guardianship, if not accompanied by a natural parent on the proof of birth/birth certificate (preferred but optional)
- A copy of the student’s social security card (preferred but optional)
- A current immunization card, issued by the State of Tennessee, through the health department. You can contact the Blount Co. Health Department at (865) 983-4582 (preferred but optional)
- If the student has ever received special education or 504 services, the parent/guardian must provide copies of the most recent IEP and psychological evaluation or 504 service plan.
- An updated transcript of all courses taken for high school credit. If the student is a 9th grader, we will need proof that the student has been promoted to the 9th grade.
- A copy of the withdrawal form from the student’s previous school that includes withdrawal/current grades (for students transferring after school has begun).
- A completed Course Request Form for your school counselor to make a schedule.
*After the requested documents have been received (either from the parent/guardian or the withdrawing school), you will receive a call for an enrollment appointment.