Alcoa Summer Art Camp (Silkscreen & Tie Dye)

Alcoa Summer Art Camp (Silkscreen & Tie Dye)
6/8/2021, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM

Silkscreen and Tie Dye

June 7 – 11, 9:00 am – 12 noon 
Silkscreen, known in the art world as serigraphy, is a printing method that involves printing ink through stencils that are supported by a fabric mesh. This process, dating as far back as 9000 BC, produces multiple copies of the same image of the artwork. During this workshop, students will create their own poster image like the Pop artists of the 1960s using bold areas of flat color and have fun with the flavor of the 1960s by tie-dying t-shirts. A new design shirt will be created by each student and silkscreened onto his or her tie-dyed shirts. Come join in the fun!

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