2023-24 Parking Permits

All students who desire to drive to school must register their vehicle in the main office. Students must turn in a signed drug testing form, copy of driver license, and proof of liability insurance.
Parking fee is $35, and it may be paid by cash, check, or online through GoFan on available dates.
  1. Make checks payable to Alcoa High School, and write the student's name on the memo line.
  2. Payment can be made online through GoFan from July 10th through July 28th (CLICK HERE).
Students who hold and display a parking permit may park in any space that is not designated for other use (i.e. staff, visitor, handicap, etc.) in the designated lot for their grade level
  1. Seniors, with tags 100-199, may park in the Senior Lot (1), Junior Lot (2), or Sophomore Lot (3).
  2. Juniors, with tags 200-299, may park in the Junior Lot (2) or Sophomore Lot (3).
  3. Sophomores, with tags 300-399, park only in the Sophomore Lot (3).
  4. If lots are full, students are expected to park in spaces in the next available lot.
There is no parking in the grass or unmarked spots during the school day. Violators are subject to school discipline, parking fines, and/or towing at their own expense.
Parking permits are not transferable between students.
2023-24 Parking permits must be displayed from the rear-view mirror of the vehicle while on campus.
Requirements (on registration day)
Complete and submit an AHS Parking Application and Consent for Random Drug Testing.
Complete and submit a Senior Painted Parking application (print this form and attach to the parking application)
    1. As a part of this application, students must illustrate the design for their parking space (see page 2).
    2. Design must be approved by AHS administration prior to painting the parking space.
The fee for a reserved, painted space is $80. Fees can be paid by cash, check, or online through GoFan.
    1. Make checks payable to Alcoa High School, and write the student's name on the memo line.
    2. Payments can be made online through GoFan from July 10th and July 14th (CLICK HERE).
Understand and comply with AHS policies, including those regarding driving and parking, as outlined in the AHS Student Handbook.
Painting Day
On Monday, July 17, students who have completed the above requirements will be able to paint between
8:30AM–3:00PM. All painting must be completed on this day, and all paintings must be started by noon. After
painting day, all spots will be final.