(Worth LAB Grade)
When choosing what to study after high school and choosing careers, it is helpful to know what problems you would like to help solve. Knowing the problems that inspire you to work towards solutions can be an effective way of guiding your future path. The United Nations has identified many global issues, listed below.
Your Task: Help yourself and other students connect issues they are passionate about with career and post-secondary pathways.
1) Explore the list of global issues. Choose 3 issues (you may also add issues that you have identified are important to you).
2) Summarize these 3 issues and why they are important to you. Use the google doc titled "Physics Career Summaries" for this section.
3) Research how physicists can help work towards a solution on these 3 issues. Consider what branch(es) of physics would be involved and the types of physics specialists that would help solve these types of problems. Examples of specialists: mechanical engineer, electrician, ophthalmologist, medical physicist, ultrasound technician, post doc researcher, nuclear engineer, etc.
List the branch of physics and the physics specialist for all 3 issues on the google doc titled "Physics Career Summaries"
4) Narrow your focus to the issue you are most interested in working towards a solution for. Select one issue.
5) Create a poster (landscape or portrait / standard paper size of 8.5 x 11 inches) that would inform and inspire a fellow student to work towards solving this issue by providing them
i. Information about the issue (paragraph about the issue and why people should care + at least one relevant image)
ii. Information about the type(s) of physics specialists that can help solve this issue. Summarize in a sentence or two what each type(s) of specialist does, e.g. “Nuclear engineers research how to access the benefits of radioactive materials mainly for use in medical diagnosis, medical treatment, and electricity production. This role involves developing instruments, machinery, and systems.” Include at least one relevant image.
iii. Information on how to become this specialist(s). This includes which program(s) to enroll in, which post-secondary institutions offer this program(s), and which high school courses are required to gain acceptance into this program(s).
An evaluation rubric is attached.
The due date for this assignment is Monday, January 27.
Submit the summary on the attached google document in Google Classroom. Submit a PDF on google classroom of the 8.5 x 11” poster, or submit a hardcopy, so Mr. Ramos can print them to display in the classroom.
Last Modified:
January 13 7:13 AM